TheLioness Poets Page

The Thin Line

Love and hate draw the line between
the edge of reason and the abyss of insanity,
and I am caught between the two.
Because of you I am neither here nor there.
I am in the rare zone known as two places at once
that everyone says defies possibility because it does not exist,
(and if it doesn't)
I wonder why I want to kiss you and tear you to shreds
all at once until you love me and hate me in equal measure.
Why do I want to give you pleasure and cause you pain
until your mind is stained with my memory?
I want to touch you tenderly before I slice you
into tiny little pieces symbolically in my imagination,
and bury you in the folds of old acquantainces that time forgot,
but mostly what I want is to stop hanging in this percarious place.
Knowing the only reason I want to hate you is because I love you,
and so between the two emotions I swing like a clocks pendulum.
Marking time.
Walking the thin line that divides love and hate.
Your face on either side.

Written by TheLioness

TheLioness Poets Page